Meet a former broke as a joke Student who now makes hard-cold-cash by writing emails for businesses.

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Here’s Your One-Time Chance To Get My Famous Copywriter’s Padawan User Manual For Only $7
Delivered Right Into Your Inbox

**Click the button below and I’ll send the Copywriter’s Padawan User Manual straight to your inbox at a big fat discount **

Thank you for requesting How can a copywriter ethically make between 1,000 and 3,000 bucks writing a few emails a week special report.This is one of the best decisions you’ve made today (guaranteed!).(which is already waiting for you in the inbox)As my way of saying “THANK YOU”, I want to give you a little gift…

“Copywriter’s Padawan User Manual”
Pay Only $7 And Get Instant Access

Here’s the thing…While the “How can a copywriter ethically make between 1,000 and 3,000 bucks writing a few emails a week” special report is extremely valuable…And it’s going to help you with your copywriting journey…It’s NOT designed to supercharge your copy chops fast. This means it will take you months (maybe even years) to totally grasp how direct response marketing works.(It took me 2+ years lol)If you want to start punching buttons on your keyboard and make serious cash fast.This is where the Copywriter’s Padawan User Manual comes into play.It’s a 66-page long user manual that’s designed to help you reach the “client ready” level faster.Inside I reveal the exact methods I use to write long-form copy that converts like crazy on ice-cold traffic.

Want proof?

I’ve been sending extremely valuable emails to my loyal subscribers for the past 2 years. But here’s the problem, if you weren’t on my list back then, this means you will never be able to acquire this information that my subscribers have successfully used to run profitable freelance copywriting businesses...Lame, right?This is why I decided to put together top 24 value-packed emails where I personally walk you through every aspect of freelance copywriting as a craft and as a business.

Currently Inside:

I show you how to use heuristics in your copy: Most copywriters don’t understand how the human brain works - hence their ads suck.How to use emotions to your advantage: Tap into their brain and make them to exactly what you want/need. I used this to persuade people to do random stuff for me and to make people buy my/clients’ products.14 untold facts about copywriting: Not gonna lie. Some of the are quite harsh. But absolutely essential to understand if you want to become a really good copywriter.✔ **I’ll teach you how to put your prospect in a position where the only logical step is to buy from you: ** Practical example inside from one of the most famous movies of all time.You’ll discover the two best copy formats to start as a new direct response copywriter: If you’re like most copywriters, this will accelerate your career rather fast.Easy 4 steps to kickstart your copywriting journey: Most people simply skip step #3 (and it’s costing them success)My secret method to writing punchier copy 10x faster: Put your brain in the zone using my “blocking” method.Unveil the 3 methods to tap into your prospect’s mind: 3 specific kinds of “research process” (most copywriters know only 1)My secret sauce to make my copy convert at 3.5-4% on ice-cold traffic: When I learned this, I supercharged my copy results, made more clients happy, and my wallet fatter. And it’s not rocket science.✔ **Step-by-step system to lure your prospects into reading your copy: ** Use my PSPCSB method that works for any niche.The most powerful way to open up any sales copy: Hint: it’s not what you think.The #1 mistake lots of copywriters make when they’re hired to write a promo: This mistake literally forces your readers to stop reading your copy and move on with their days.Renting authority: This is the biggest hack in persuasion. And everybody can execute it in real life or in copy.How to flip the switch and sell even the most boring product fast: And at a ridiculous price.Why COVID-19 was a massive “success”: Plus, how you can take advantage of this very method in your copy. This works really well in the health, wealth and relationships niches.You’ll get the exact research template I use for all my projects: All you have to do is to copy and paste it to your notion or gdocs.As a non-native copywriter I’ll show you how to write like a native: And get hired by US-based companies that pay 10x more.Set up a “self-creating” swipe file: All you need is 3 minutes of your time and a gmail account.Copywriter’s management system part I-III: Easily replicable system to get more work done in less time (without the quality drops)A-list copywriter’s traits you should steal: Every good copywriter does all these 3 things and they’re the main reason for their success. Yet they like to keep these traits for themselves (you know, to eliminate competition)

And Here’s The Sweet Part…

And you get this juicy PFD delivered straight to your inbox where you can come back at it, anywhere and anytime.You see, this juicy PDF retails for $47 and when I launched it over 70 people bought it on spot.(which is still a steal since you’re legally avoiding all the guesswork and going straight for the proven solution)But you can have this PDF for just $7Now let me also state this… this is not a super professionally written PDF, because I literally copy-pasted the email from my ESP to the PDF.So no fancy designs, photos, videos, or cringy GIFs of cats…100% pure value.You can get it right now, on this page only.Once you leave this page, the offer ends for good.Grab your digital copy of the Copywriter’s Padawan User Manual today, before leaving this page for the price of two cups of coffee, $7 (reg price is $47).

Nah, I’m good, I’ll stick with the free report and take the “long route” to learn copy.
I’ll pass on this offer.
NOTE: There are no refunds on this special training and all sales are final.